
  • Sly Cooking- 42 irresistible Gaelic words

    Sly Cooking- 42 irresistible Gaelic words

    Ever needed a word for the little bits of dust you see in a ray of sunlight? For squeezing a big thing into a small hole? For the noise made by women when they get together? This book revives 42 weird and wonderful Gaelic words collected by 19th century priest, poet and folklorist, Fr Allan, in South Uist and Eriskay. Artist Catrìona NicilleDhuibh breathes new life into this quirky selection with a vivid, hand-printed linocut illustration for every word. Whether you're a fluent Gaelic speaker, a learner or just a curious visitor, Sly Cooking is guaranteed to expand your horizons with irresistible words you never knew you needed to know until now.


  • Smuaintean Ailein

    Smuaintean Ailein

    Smuaintean Ailein le Ailean T. MacLeòid 'S e cruinneachadh a tha seo dhe na h-òraidean beaga grinne a dh'ullaich Ailean T. MacLeòid nach maireeann gus an craoladh anns an t-sreath "Smuain na Maidne" air Radio nan Gàidheal. Bha ùidh mhòr aig Ailean ann an iomadh cuspair, eadar àiteachas, gàirneilearachd, maraireachd, litreachas, ceòl agus cànan is beul-aithris nan Gàidheal. Tha seo a' tighinn am follais gu soillier anns na h-òraidean aige, agus sin ann an dlùth dhàimh ris a' chreideamh làidir a bha cho aithnichte na nàdar agus na chaitheamh-beatha fhèin. Dh'fhàg e againn an seo deagh eisimpleir as fhiach a leantainn.   This is a collection of the speaches that the late Ailean T. MacLeod prepared to be broadcasted on the series "Smuain na Maidne" on Radio nan Gàidheal. Ailean had a large interest in lots of different topics, between agriculture, gardening, seamanship, literature, music and language and Highland folklore. This is made obvious from his speaches, and that is close to the strong faith that was recognised in his own nature and life. He left us with a good example that is worth following.



  • Solas na Gealaich

    Solas na Gealaich

    Solas na Gealaich: Deich Deilbh-chluich le Pòl MacAonghais  


  • Somhairle: Dàin is Deilbh

    Somhairle: Dàin is Deilbh

    Somhairle: Dàin is Deilbh le Angus Peter Campbell This book is a celebration in words and photographs of one of Scotland's leading poets on the occasion of his 80th birthday. In celebrating Sorley MacLean it also celebrates modern Gaelic writing and demonstrates the influence that MacLean's writing has had on many young Gaelic writers. Much of the work in his book is the new and unpublished and has been contributed by writers as their own personal statement.



  • Steall à Iomadh Lòn

    Steall à Iomadh Lòn

    Steall à Iomadh Lòn le Seonaidh Ailig Mac a' Phearsain Chuir Seonaidh Ailig Mac a' Phearsain seachad làithean òige anns na Hearadh agus an Uibhist a Tuath. An dèidh sin thòisich e, mar a chanas e fhèin, a' siubhal nan seachad sitigean. O chionn dà fhichead bliadhna chaidh e air imrich a Chanada agus thug an obair a bha aige an sin, mar chonaltraiche corporra, air an fhalbhan e gu caochladh dhùthchannan. An dèidh còig bliadhna fichead anns a' ghnìomhachas niùclasach thill e a dh'Albha a dh'obair do Sheirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig. Nuair a leig e dheth an dreuchd sin dhragh a bhean air taod e air ais a Cheap Breatann. Chan e gu robh e 'g iarraidh mòran coiteachaidh oir bha e meas an eilein sin mar An Innis Àigh anns an robh e son tuilleadh ùine a chaitheamh. Anns an leabhar seo tha e toirt iomraidh air eachdraidh a bheatha ach cuideachd air an dualchas, an eachdraidh agus an àrainneachd a chuir cruth air a smuaintean agus a ghiùlan.



  • The Brahan Seer

    The Brahan Seer

    The Brahan Seer - The Story of Scotland's Nostradamus le Douglas Thompson "Everyone knows the story of Coinneach Odhar - or do they? Douglas Thompson revisits this story and gives it a fresh twist. The author skilfully blends fact, period detail and well known legend eith fiction, creating a well-written historical novel that will keep you turning the pages from start to finish." - Dr Aonghas MacCoinnich, University of Glasgow



  • The Darkest Dawn- Call na h-Iolaire

    The Darkest Dawn- Call na h-Iolaire

    The Darkest Dawn- Call na h-Iolaire The story of the Iolaire Tragedy "At 1.55am on 1st January 1919, a naval yacht carrying sailors home on leave ran aground on rocks near the village of Holm, a mere 20 yards from the shore or the Isle of Lewis and less than half a mile from the safe harbour of Stornoway. HMY Iolaire was crowded with 280 mane, mostly naval reservists returning to the safety and comfort of their homes after the horrors of the Great War." Malcolm Macdonald and Donald John MacLeod's painstaking research has taken decades and draws on an exceptional range of sources. The Darkest Dawn is a significant and enduring testament to all those aboard the Iolaire on the night of New Year 1919.


  • The Islanders and the Orb

    The Islanders and the Orb

    The Islanders and the Orb - Janet Hunter This is the most comprehensive and wide-ranging account ever written of the Harris Tweed industry. It makes an important contribution to the social and economic history of the Islands and shows the struggle which the people of the Outer Hebrides had, to retain the commercial value of the name, 'Harris Tweed'. Meticulously researched, intricate and changing circumstances in the history of the industry are made immensely readable. Bitter and divisive controversies are described with supporting evidence and some analysis, but leaving readers to draw their own conclusions. The legal points are explained with the clarity in layman's terms. The book will be of great interest at local, national and world level as Harris Tweed continues to assert its place on the international stage of modern fashion.


  • The Jimmy Shand Story

    The Jimmy Shand Story

    The Jimmy Shand Story le Ian Cameron Jimmy Shand has been 'the king of Scottish Dance Band Music' for over 50 years. Recordings of his music - on vinyl, cassette and CD - can be found in households throughout the world and on the shelves of the largest as well as the smallest music shops and on the shelves of the largest as well as the smallest music shops. Jimmy has travelled the world with his band - Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand - bringing his unique sound to packed halls and ballrooms, as well as television and radio. The Jimmy Shand Story, however, gives the reader a unique insight into the man who is Jimmy Shand. Rarely has he spoken so openly about his personal life: his achievements and disappointments; his family and friends; his early struggles and his life after retirement. It is a fascinating account of an incredible person. An appendix includes all of Jimmy Shand's known recordings, together with composition. The Jimmy Shand Story will be welcomed by his fans throughout the world - whether they enjoy dancing along to his music or simply sit back in an armchair and listen to the tunes. It is a fitting tribute to one of Scotland's greatest ambassadors.



  • The Lewis Land Struggle - Na Gaisgich

    The Lewis Land Struggle - Na Gaisgich

    The Lewis Land Struggle - Na Gaisgich le Joni Buchanan The Isle of Lewis, down to the present day, retains a substantial rural population for one reason above all others. It is that, at crucial points in the island's history, its people were prepared to resist the power of the landlordism and insist on the right to remain on the land which they occupied. Without these struggles, the crofting population would have been virtually eliminated, just as ir was in many other areas of the Highlands and Islands. This book recounts four of the crucial encounters, starting with the Bernera Riot in 1874 and concluding with the classic conflict between Lord Leverhume and the returning ex-servicemen in Coll and Gress. The book is written unashamedly from the crofters' point of view. The alternative to resistance would have been even greater emigration, even larger tracts of land under the unproductive ownership of a few individuals and even greater weakening of the Gaelic language and culture. The heroes - Na Gaisgich - who resisted all of that deserve to be remembered and honoured.


  • Three Dark Days

    Three Dark Days

    Three Dark Days le Kenneth MacDonald For young Lewis merchant seaman, Kenneth MacDonald, the voyage to New Zealand had been ineventful. But on the reutn joutney, three days out of Singapore, something happened which affected him profoundly. His book tells of these events where he witnessed birth, death and ectreme suffering, It is the story of one man's epiphany told with dignity, compassion and fortitude in an individual, almost biblical style. It is a story with impact and demands to be read. The mental pain left by this experience was such that it took MacDonald thirty years to render an account of it. Three Dark Days is that account. A searing, unforgetable tale of an ordinary man confronted by extraordinary circumstances. - John McLaren, author 7th Sense In a story as spare and dramatic as a saga, always perceptive and very moving, MacDonald tracks the causes and consequences of his impulsive response to the plight of a group of unknown fellow humans. - John Murray, Gaelic writer and broadcaster



  • We Have Won The Land

    We Have Won The Land

    We Have Won The Land by John MacAskill (1999), 224 pages The story of the purchase by the Assynt Crofters' Trust of the North Lochinver Estate The story of the purchase of the North Lochinver Estate made world headlines in February, 1993. The activities of the momentous months from June, 1992 are recorded in this publication. A vibrant and balanced book, using the words of the main players, this is essential reading for historians, lay people and politicians alike. John MacAskill provides a gripping account of developments in Assynt as events led up initially to rejection and finally to winning of the land by the crofters.

