
  • Wild Lewis- A' Mhòinteach Mhòr

    Wild Lewis- A' Mhòinteach Mhòr

    Wild Lewis- A' Mhòinteach Mhòr. A photographic journey Turas-dheilbh iongantach tron eilean as motha air Ghàidhealtachd na h-Alba - dìreach boillsgeadh beag air fiadh-bheatha ion-chomharraichte nach fhaicear ach ann am beagan àitean eile air a' phlanaid. Tha an oisean bead seo an air thauath na h-Eòrpa, na shuidhe ri oir na mara, na mheasgachadh sònraichte de chruinn-eòlas agus bidh-iomadachd a th' air dùsgadh inntinnean bith-eòlaichean agus bàird bho chionn linntean. Tha mìneachadh san dà chànan a' cur ri cruinneachadh miorbhuileach de dheilbh. A wonderful photographic safari of the largest island in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland- just a sample of the stunning combination of wildlife that can be viewed at few other locations on the planet. This north-western corner of Europe, perched on the edge of the ocean, is a unique mix of geography and biodiversity that has inspired naturalists and poets for centuries. The bilingual text gives an added richness to this visually stunning collection.


  • William MacGillivary: A Hebridean Naturalist's Journal 1817-1818

    William MacGillivary: A Hebridean Naturalist's Journal 1817-1818

    William MacGillivary: A Hebridean Naturalist's Journal 1817-1818 le Dr Robert Ralph agus James MacDonald Lockhart William MacGillivary was just 21, on the verge of his career as an outstanding naturalist and bird artist, when he left Aberdeen to spend a year at his childhood home at Northton in Harris. In hat year he kept a detailed journal the provides a rare insight into the rural life of 19th century Scotland, especially of the Outer Isles. MacGillivary recorded details of everything that happened in his daily life, the weather, his feelings about the people that he met, the food that he ate, the clothes that he wore, even the games that his family played in the evening. Running through the journal is his love of naural history. He wrote about the birds and plants that he saw and made detailed descriptions of them. This year in Harris was to set MacGillivary on the path to becoming one of Scotland's finest naturalists, first in Edinburgh and finally as Regius Professor of Natural History at Aberdeen University.



  • Zhonda? Khamsin? Sharaav? Camanchaca?

    Zhonda? Khamsin? Sharaav? Camanchaca?

    Zhonda? Khamsin? Sharaav? Camanchaca? le Rody Gorman Rugadh Rody Gorman ann am Baile Àtha Cliath agus tha e a' fuireach san Eilean Sgiatheanach a-nis. Am measg nan cruinneachdaidhean leis tha Fax (Polygon, 1996), Cùis-Ghaoil (diehard, 1999), Air a' Charbad fo Thalamh (Polygon, 2000), Naomhóga na Laoi (Coiscéim, 2003), Tóithín ag Tláithínteacht (Lapwing, 2004) agus An Duilleag agus an Crotal (Coiscéim, 2004). Tha e air a bhith na sgrìobhadair còmhnaidheach aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig agus aig Oilthigh Chorcaigh. Tha e na fhear-deasachaidh air an iris bàrdachd Ghàidhlig-Ghaeilge An Guth.   

