
  • 101 Uses for Baler Twine

    101 Uses for Baler Twine

    A must have for country dwellers the world over who already know the astonishing number of ways, apart from baling hay, in which the ubiquitous baler twine can be used- and a recipe book of possibilities for the first time user! Leabhar ion-mhainnaichte do mhuinntir an tuath aig a bheil fìor eòlas air an iomadh dòigh iongantach anns an gabh sreang na bèile a chleachdadh- a thuilleadh air a' ceangal fheòir- agus gu bearbha don fheadhainn nach eil eòlach, bidh sibh air ur beò ghlachadh le cho innleachdach sa tha sreang na bèile!



  • A Harris Way of Life

    A Harris Way of Life

    A Harris Way of Life - Marion Campbell (1909-1996) le Gisela Vogler  



  • A Hebridean Naturalist's Journal 1817-1818

    A Hebridean Naturalist's Journal 1817-1818

    A Hebridean Naturalist's Journal 1817-1818 by William MacGillivray. Edited by Dr Robert Ralph. William MacGillivray was just 21, on the verge of his career as an outstanding naturalist and bird artist, when he left Aberdeen to spend a year at his childhood home at Northton in Harris. In that year he kept a detailed journal that provides a rare insight into the rural life of 19th century Scotland, especially of the Outer Isles. MacGillivray recorded details of everything that happened in his daily life, the weather, his feelings about the people he met, the food that he ate, the clothes that he wore, even the games that his family played in the evening. Running through the journal is his love of natural history. He wrote about the birds and plants that he saw and made detailed descriptions of them. This year in Harris was to set MacGillivray on the path to becoming one of Scotland's finest naturalists, first in Edinburgh and finally as Regius Professor of Natural History at Aberdeen University.



  • A History of the Celts

    A History of the Celts

    A History of the Celts le H. E. Winter 'The Celts were a brilliant, brave and intelligent people, but undisciplined and foolhardy, with no military organisation... Strabo wrote, "At any time or place, you will find them ready to face danger, even if they have nothign on their side but their own strength and courage".'



  • A Proper Schooling and Other Poems

    A Proper Schooling and Other Poems

    A Proper Schooling and other Poems le Aonghas MacNeacail This is MacNeacail's third collection and shows an impressive maturity. The poems cover a wide emotional spectrum, from bitterness to affection: some are loud, some tranquilly reflective, but all communicate a sense of struggle at once linguistic, cultural and personal.


  • A Stornoway Life

    A Stornoway Life

    A Stornoway Life: from Scotland Street to South Africa le Pat MacFarlane "A treasure trove of personalities and of every day events melded with interesting descriptions of many of the best loved places in our town. It is also an electic but well observed and lovingly crafted account of the author's personal interaction with life as it was in his youth, his middle age and his present venerable stage of life." - Sandy Matheson



  • A Very Civil People



  • A Walk to London

    A Walk to London

    A Walk to London le William MacGillivary / Dr Robert Ralph WIlliam MacGillivary was born in Old ABerdeen in 1796. He spent his early years in Harris in the Outer Hebrides before returning to school and university in Aberdeen. His upbringing him close to the natural world, to botany, geology, ornithology, to all aspects of natural history. In September 1819 MacGillivary decided to visit the British Museum in London, which at that time held the best collection of birds and other natural history specimens in Britain. He set off to walk from Aberdeen to London, taking a roundabout route through Scotland to see parts of the country that he had not visited before. From Aberdeen to Carlisle where he crossed the border into England, he walked 501 miles. His path from there to London was more direct, just 300 miles. The journey took him 8 weeks and along the way he kept a journal, written late at night in lodging houses and sheltering under the hedges during the day. He wrote about everything that he saw along the way, the plants, the birds, the people, the countryside and the towns. He spent a week in London and the visit to the bird collections in the British Museum confirmed his ambition to become an ornithologist. His subsequent career in Edinburgh, where he became a close friend of the American bird artist John James Audobon, and in Aberdeen where he was the Regius Professor of Natural History at Marischal College, established him as one of Scotland's finest naturalists.  



  • A' Chreathall, An Crann 'S An Crùn

    A' Chreathall, An Crann 'S An Crùn

    A' Chreathall, An Crann 'S An Crùn (The Cradle, The Cross and The Crown) le Catriona NicDhòmhaill Seo cruinneachadh de dhàin spioradail a sgrìobh Catriona NicDhòmhnaill thar iomadach bliadhna, còmhla ri cuid de na fuinn a sgrìobh i. Chaidh eadar-theangachadh a dhèanamh air feadhainn de na dàin. Tha aithne aig mòran air cuid de na dàin agus feadhainn de na fuinn. Tha i an dòchas gum bi an leabhar seo na bheannachd do dhaoine agus gum brosnaich e iad gus an Tighearna a mholadh.   This is a collection of Gaelic spiritual songs written by Catriona MacDonald over many years, together with some of the tunes she has composed. Many of the songs have been translated into English. Some of the songs are well-known, as are the tunes. Her desire is that this collection will be a blessing to others and will encourage them to praise the Lord.



  • A' Gabhail Ris

    A' Gabhail Ris

    A' GAbhail Ris le Maoilios M. Caimbeul A thuilleadh air an fhear seo, tha Maoillios Caimbeul air trì leabharain bàrdachd eile a chur an clò. 'S iad sin Eileanan (Glaschu, 1980), Bailtean (Glaschu, 1987), agus A' Càradh an Rathaid (Baile Atha Cliath, 1988). Tha cuideachd taghadh den bhàrdachd aige ri fhaighinn anns a' chruinneachadh An Aghaidh na Sìorraidheachd (Dùn Eideann, 1993). Tha Maoilios a' faicinn sgaradh eadar bàrdachd coimhearsnachd agus bàrdachd phearsanta. Bha na dhà ann riamh, ach cha b' àbhaist sgaradh cho mòr a bhith eatorra. Tha a' chiad seòrsa bàrdachd tric a' daingneachadh faireachdainnean agus smaointinn a tha anns a' choimhearsnachd mu thràth. Tha an dara seòrsa dìomhair, pearsanta agus air leth bhon choimhearsnachd agus ag èirigh bho luachan a tha a' tighinn bhon duine fhèin. Tha an strì sin follaiseach air feadh an t-saoghail anns na h-ealain - strì eadar dualchas/choimhearsnachd air aon làimh agus fradharc pearsanta air an làimh eile.   Other than this book, Myles Campbell has put together three other poetry books. They are Eileanan (Glasgow, 1980), Bailtean (Glasgow, 1987), and A' Càradh an Rathaid (Dublin, 1988). There is also a selection of poems in his collection An Aghaidh na Sìorraidheachd (Edinburgh, 1993). Myles sees a seperation between community poetry and personal poetry. They have both always been there, but there used to be a big seperation between them. The first type of poetry often reinforces the feelings and thoughts that is already in the community. The second type is confidential, private and away from the community and emerges with the value of the person themself. That struggle is obvious across the whole world in the arts - the struggle between tradition/ communiry on one hand and personal vision on the other hand.  



  • Ainmeil an Eachdraidh

    Ainmeil an Eachdraidh

     Ainmeil an Eachdraidh  Leabhar tarraingeach a' dèiligeadh ri daoine (fir is mnathan) a dh'fhàg làrach air eachdraidh. Tha na h-aistidhean a' buntainn ri eachdraidh dà mhìle bliadhna, ach tha a' chuid as motha dhiubh mu dhaoine a bha beò eadar 1695 agus 1985, is buaidh aca air stàitean, coimhearsnachd, spòrs, litreachas, saidheans is rudan eile.   An attractive book looking at those (male and female) who left their mark in history. The essays relate to the history of the two milennia but the majority is about the people born inbetween 1695 and 1985, and have a bearing on states, community, sports, literature, science and others artefacts.



  • Air Druim An Eich Sgiathaich

    Air Druim An Eich Sgiathaich

    Air Druim An Eich Sgiathaich le Pòl Mac a' Bhreatunnaich  




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